
how to purchase

1. Reach us at
    Facebook page : www.facebook.com/anekakrafmelaka
    E-mail anekakrafmelaka@gmail.com

2. Sent us E-mail/Private message facebook with below details.

  • Name : 
  • E-mail address : 
  • Our product code :
  • Quantity : 
  • Shipping address : 
  • H/P contact no : 
3. We accept online banking/ direct banking Maybank and CIMB.

4. Wait for confirmation on the availability of the item.

5.  Once confirm, bank in the payment either Maybank or CIMB.

6.  Once payment is done, please attached proof of payment to us. (Print-screen, PDF or other readable file e.g word) 

7.  Your item(s) will be delivered on scheduled delivery after we have received full payment. We only use POS LAJU national courier.

8. We will post your item (s) on Tuesday and Thursday only.

**#Important ! : Screenshot your transaction slip OR include our email for online banking transaction(s) to our email with DATE, TIME and TRANSACTION NUMBER.